The Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM)
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The Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) is part of the Parc de Salut MAR consortium of Barcelona (Spain), a comprehensive health services organization with three areas of action: medical care, teaching and research. The Hospital del Mar covers an area of 300.000 people and has over 400 beds, treating patients across all medical specialities. Both the Radiation Oncology Department and the Cardiology Department of Hospital del Mar will be involved in STOPSTORM and STAR treatment of patients.
Personnel uitklapper, klik om te openen
Dr. Manuel Algara
Dr. Manuel Algara is Associate Professor and Head of Department of Radiation Oncology at Hospital del Mar and will coordinate IMIMs contribution to the STOPSTORM project.
Dr. Flavio Zuccarino
Dr. Flavio Zuccarino is radiologists, specialised in cardiac radiology, who will be involved in treatment planning and delivery.
Dr. Nuria Rodríguez
Dr. Nuria Rodríguez is a radiation oncologist, specialised in lung cancer treatments, who will be involved in treatment planning and delivery.
Dr. Ermengol Valles
Dr. Ermengol Valles is a cardiologist with expertise in electrophysiology, who will be involved in target mapping.
Dr. Enric Fernández-Velilla
Dr. Enric Fernández-Velilla is medical physicist, who will be involved in treatment planning
Publications uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Prades J, Algara M, Espinàs JA, et al. Understanding variations in the use of hypofractionated radiotherapy and its specific indications for breast cancer: A mixed-methods study. Radiother Oncol 2017; 123: 22-8.
- Rodríguez N, Sanz X, Dengra J, et al. Five-Year Outcomes, Cosmesis, and Toxicity With 3-Dimensional Conformal External Beam Radiation Therapy to Deliver Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2013; 87: 1051-7.
- Martí-Almor J, Jiménez-López J, Rodríguez de Dios N, Tizón H, Vallés E, Algara M. Non-invasive ablation of ventricular tachycardia with stereotactic radiotherapy in a patient with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. Rev Esp Cardiol 2019; pii: S1885-5857: 30183-5.