The Catharina Hospital (SCZ)
Partner Information uitklapper, klik om te openen
The Catharina Hospital (SCZ) is an innovative, ambitious large community hospital in Eindhoven (The Netherlands), with a main focus on cardiac care and oncology. The hospital houses the Catharina Heart and Vascular Center, the largest heart and vascular centre in the Netherlands. Part of this centre is the largest Dutch electrophysiology practice.
The Catharina Heart and Vascular Center has a strong track record in developing, studying and implementing technological innovations in cardiac interventions (e.g. FFR and the FAME-studies). The centre is considered an international frontrunner in the implementation of value-based health care (VBHC) and has won the international VBHC-prize in 2014, 2016 and 2018. For example, the 2018 VBHC-prize was awarded for the Netherlands Heart Network launched by the CHC; this is a regional network for cardiac care among primary, secondary and tertiary care in the Eindhoven area.
Personnel uitklapper, klik om te openen
Dr. Coen Hurkmans

Dr. Coen Hurkmans is a radiation therapy clinical physicist at Catharina Hospital. He will be involved in WP4.
Prof. dr. Lukas Dekker

Prof. dr. Lukas Dekker is cardiologist-electrophysiologist in the Catharina Heart Centre as well as a professor at the departments Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Technology of the Eindhoven University of Technology.
Drs. Alexandre Ouss

Drs. Alexandre Ouss is an experienced cardiologist-electrophysiologist in the Catharina Heart Centre. Both cardiologists are very experienced in ablating complex VT-patients.
Dr. Heike Peulen

Dr. Heike Peulen is a radiation oncologist at Catharina Hospital and will be responsible for patient treatment in WP3.
Dr. Ilona Smeets

Dr. Ilona Smeets is a radiation oncologist at Catharina Hospital and will be responsible for patient treatment in WP3.
Publications uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Lambrecht ML, Eaton DJ, Sonke JJ et al. Results of a multicentre dosimetry audit using a respiratory phantom within the EORTC LungTech trial. Radiother Oncol 2019; 138: 106-113.
- Weber DC, Tomsej M, Melidis C, Hurkmans CW. QA makes a clinical trial stronger: Evidence-based medicine in radiation therapy. Radiother Oncol 138: 4-8.
- Oomen AWGJ, Dekker LRC, Meijer A. Cathater ablation of symptomatic idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias; a five year single center experience. Neth Heart J 2018; 26: 210-16.
- Dekker LRC, Bezzina CR, Henriques JPS et al. Familial sudden death is the most important risk factor of primary VF. A case control tudy in acute myocardial infarct patients. Circulation 2006; 114: 1140-45.
- Dekker LRC, van der Voort P, Simmers TA et al. A new image-processing and noise reduction technology allows reduction of radiation exposure in complex electrophysiological interventions while maintaining optimal image quality: a randomized clinical trial. Heart Rhythm 2013; 10: 1678-82.