Partner Information uitklapper, klik om te openen
NPO is a private hospital in Třinec (Czech Republic) with a catchment area of approximately 1 million inhabitants. The care that is provided includes high-quality specialised treatment of cardiovascular diseases. NPO is one of the largest cardiology centres in the Czech Republic and belongs to the national network of complex cardiovascular centres of the Ministry of Health. NPO is the centre of expertise for non-coronary interventions in Middle Europe, and the largest centre for coronary interventions in the Czech Republic.
NPO maintains its position as a top centre in the Czech Republic and Europe, by continuously introducing novel and modern methods of treatment. Particularly in the areas of catheterization treatment of cardiovascular diseases and minimally invasive approaches to treatment. NPO cooperates with medical faculties (University of Ostrava, University of Brno) and is a training centre for the Faculty of Medicine and postgraduate education of cardiologists, cardiosurgeons and vascular specialists.
NPO is an expert centre for catheter ablations of arrythmias. Moreover, NPO is the first centre in Europe (in collaboration with FNO) to provide STAR therapy for ventricular arrhythmia, as well as the first centre in the world to use the CARTO guided STAR method for VT. Worldwide, NPO is among the few centres with the greatest experience in STAR therapy for ventricular arrhythmias.
Personnel uitklapper, klik om te openen
MUDr. Radek Neuwirth, MBA

MUDr. Radek Neuwirth, MBA is guarantor of heart radiotherapy processes, cardiologist consultant and electrophysiology consultant at NPO. His expertise lies in catheter ablations of VTs, including the epicardial approach. In addition, he is the chairman of the Board of Directors of NPO.
MUDr. Otakar Jiravský

MUDr. Otakar Jiravský is a consultant for cardiology and consultant for electrophysiology at NPO. He is an expert in the field of catheter ablations of VTs, including the epicardial approach.
Ing. Jan Hečko

Ing. Jan Hečko is a biomedical engineer in the electrophysiological rooms, PhD student at VŠB Ostrava, and will provides technical and IT support during the STOPSTORM project.
Publications uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Neuwirth R, Cvek, J., Knybel L, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgery for ablation of ventricular tachycardia. EP Europace 2019; 21: 1088-95.
- Cvek J, Neuwirth R, Knybel L, et al. Cardiac radiosurgery for malignant ventricular tachycardia. Cureus 2014; 6: e190.
- Haskova J, Peichl P, Pirk J, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgery as a treatment for recurrent ventricular tachycardia associated with cardiac fibroma. HeartRhythm Case Rep 2019; 5: 44-7.
- Szmek B, Neuwirth R, Fiala M. Transaortální ablace incesantní komorové tachykardie po náhradě aortální chlopně mechanickou protézou (Transaortic ablation of incidental ventricular tachycardia after aortic valve replacement with a mechanical prosthesis). Cor Vasa 2010; 52: 10.