University Hospital in Ostrava
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The University Hospital in Ostrava (FNO) is the largest state-owned medical facility in the North Moravia region of the Czech Republic, and medical care is provided to 1.2 million inhabitants. On average 46,400 patients are hospitalised annually on 1,100 beds.
The Oncology Clinic of FNO is one of thirteen formally recognised complex cancer centres in the country. The clinic undergoes regular internal and external audits, as well as state inspections, to check quality processes. The clinic operates the only CyberKnife treatment machine in the Czech Republic, with high numbers of patients treated annually. It is equipped with tracking modes relevant to STAR treatment, and members of the FNO have presented original analytical approaches to assessing accuracy (quality assurance, QA) of dynamic treatments using CyberKnife in peer-reviewed papers and international scientific meetings (Dvorak et al, 2014. Intelligent margins for SBRT based on tracking fiducials, The SRS/SBRT Scientific Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Dvorak; 2012. Three-dimensional dose/MU verification tool for CyberKnife radiotherapy plans, AAPM annual meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA).
In collaboration with NPO, FNO has performed the first European STAR clinical treatment. In total 26 patients have been treated as part of authorized trials funded internally by the hospital. The ongoing results from the STAR treatments are and have been presented at various European meetings (EHRA 2019 Lisbon, ESC 2019 Paris, IRS 2019 Rio de Janeiro).
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Dr. Jakub Cvek

Jakub Cvek, MD, PhD is the head of the Oncology Department, Associate Professor, and radiation oncologist at FNO and the Faculty of Medicine.
Dr. Eva Skacelikova

Eva Skacelikova, MD, PhD is the lead radiation oncologist at FNO.
Dr. Lukas Knybel

Lukas Knybel, Ing, PhD is a clinical engineer with a specialization in technical support for radiotherapy. He is the lead CyberKnife expert at Oncology of FNO and the Faculty of Medicine.
Dr. Pavel Dvorak

Pavel Dvorak, Ing, PhD, MIPEM, CSci. is an internationally renowned medical physicist, whose publication subjects include CyberKnife QA. He has significant teaching experience and is a board member of the doctoral program in Radiological Physics at the Czech Technical University of Prague.
Dr. Tomas Blazek

Tomas Blazek, MD is a PhD student at FNO with well-established expertise in the field of radiation-oncology.
- Neuwirth R, Cvek, J., Knybel L, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgery for ablation of ventricular tachycardia. EP Europace 2019; 21: 1088-95.
- Cvek J, Neuwirth R, Knybel L, et al. Cardiac radiosurgery for malignant ventricular tachycardia. Cureus 2014; 6: e190.
- Haskova J, Peichl P, Pirk J, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgery as a treatment for recurrent ventricular tachycardia associated with cardiac fibroma. HeartRhythm Case Rep 2019; 5: 44-7.
- Knybel L, Cvek J, Molenda L, et al. Analysis of lung tumor motion in a large sample: patterns and factors influencing precise delineation of internal target volume. Int Journal of Radiat 2016; 96: 751-8.
- Knybel L, Cvek J, Otahal B, et al. The analysis of respiration-induced pancreatic tumor motion based on reference measurement. Radiat Oncol 2014; 9: 192.