Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
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Located in the heart of the Lake Geneva "Health Valley", CHUV is one of Switzerland's five university hospitals and one of the ten best in the world. CHUV service hospital plays a leading role in the fields of medical care, research and training, thanks to its collaboration with the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), as well as further collaborations within Switzerland and abroad. Its annual budget is 1.8 billion/y, with 11.000 employees, and 51.000 patients hospitalized yearly. The hospital provides a wide range of health services across a broad range of specialties. Cardio-vascular issues together with oncology, neuroscience, immunology, genomic medicine, nutrition and metabolism have been identified among a number of priority areas in which the CHUV is actively working to promote health, teaching and research. The Arrhythmia Unit of CHUV performs complex catheter ablation procedures every day, including epicardial ablation for specific ventricular arrhythmogenic disorders such as in inflammatory cardiomyopathy and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy.
The CHUV Service of Cardiology, in collaboration with the CHUV Department of Radio-oncology, first developed the STAR treatment and has been involved in all steps of the complex procedure. CHUV is one of the few centres world-wide with extensive experience in STAR treatment of VT’s. Twelve patients have been treated so far, as well as a 13th patient with a VT storm related to a cardiac metastasis. This makes CHUV one of the centres with the greatest experience in STAR within the STOPSTORM consortium.
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Dr. Etienne Pruvot

Dr. Etienne Pruvot is Associate Professor in cardiology at CHUV and at the Lausanne University. He is the head of the Arrhythmia Unit (UTR) of the Service of Cardiology in CHUV and the substitute of the Head of the Cardiology Service. He has a long-standing expertise in the ablation of complex arrhythmias using 3D EAM systems. More specifically, UTR is performing 35-40 VT ablations per year, 20-25 of these in patients after a myocardial infarction.
Dr. Patrizio Pascale

Dr. Patrizio Pascale is a faculty member in the arrhythmia Unit of the Cardiology Department of CHUV. He has a longstanding expertise in the treatment of complex arrhythmias, including the ablation of VT. He has spent two years of fellowship in Prof. Haissaguerre laboratory in Bordeaux, one of the leading centres in arrhythmia ablation.
Dr. Claudia Herrera

Dr. Claudia Herrera is junior faculty member in the arrhythmia Unit of the Cardiology Department of CHUV. She as a long standing expertise in the treatment of complex arrhythmias, including the ablation of VT. Dr. Herrera was trained in Bad-Krozingen for four years before moving to CHUV.
Dr. Raphael Jumeau

Dr. Raphael Jumeau is faculty member in the Department of Radio-oncology of CHUV. He has a longstanding expertise in stereotactic radio-ablation of various tumors. Dr. R. Jumeau jointly developed the radiotherapy treatment of refractory VT with the Cyberknife system, in collaboration with Dr. Pruvot. Dr. Jumeau will be assisted by Dr. L. Schiappacasse in performing STAR procedures.
Dr. Luis Schiappacasse

Dr. Luis Schiappacasse is faculty member in the Department of Radio-oncology of CHUV. He has a long standing expertise in stereotactic radio-ablation and intra-cranial radiosurgery thank to his extensive experience with the Cyberknife and Gammaknife systems.
Publications uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Jumeau R, Ozsahin M, Schwitter J, et al. Rescue procedure for an electrical storm using robotic non-invasive cardiac radio-ablation. Radiother Oncol 2018; 128: 189-191.
- Buttu A, Vesin J.M, Van Zaen J, et al. A High Baseline Electrographic Organization Level Is Predictive of Successful Termination of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation by Catheter Ablation. JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 2016; 2: 746-55.
- Monigatti-Tenkorang J, Jousset F, Pascale P, et al. Intermittent Atrial Tachycardia Promotes Repolarization Alternans and Conduction Slowing During Rapid Rates, and increases Susceptibility to Atrial Fibrillation in a Free-behaving Sheep Model. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2014; 25: 418-27.
- Chevallier S, Forclaz A, Tenkorang J, et al. New Electrocardiographic Criteria for Discriminating Between Brugada Types 2 and 3 Patterns and Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block. JACC 2011; 58: 2290-8.
- Pruvot E, Katra R, Rosenbaum DS, et al. Role of Calcium Cycling versus Restitution in the Mechanism of Repolarization Alternans. Circ Res 2004; 94: 1083-90.