
Harteraad (HART) & Patient's Voice (PV)

Harteraad (HART) & The Patient's Voice (PV)

Harteraad Partner Information uitklapper, klik om te openen

Harteraad (HART) is a patient organisation for people with cardiac, arterial, and venous diseases (1,5 million patients) and their relatives. HART works in close co-operation with the Dutch Heart Foundation, a charity organization that plays an important role in providing information on cardiovascular disease for patients and the general public. Together, HART and the Dutch Heart Foundation stimulate interaction between patients and scientist, to strengthen societal impact of cardiovascular research.

In collaboration with healthcare professionals, HART fights for high quality care and quality of life for all patients with cardiovascular diseases. HART connects, empowers, and represents patients in various healthcare areas.

Dr. Inge Schalkers

Dr. Inge Schalkers is policy advisor with a research background at HART. She will be responsible for the organisation and coordination of the Patient Advisory Board (PAB) and she will manage the involvement of patients in the study.  

The Patient’s Voice Partner Information uitklapper, klik om te openen

Partner Information The Patient’s Voice uitklapper, klik om te openen

Being a heart patient for many years, I discovered that the voice of a patient could  be listened to in a different way.

So I started The Patient's Voice.

To involve the voice of the patients in decisions concerning them.

This is done, among other things, by participating in advisory boards of health care providers, researchers and pharma. But also by facilitating advocacy groups which enable patients to speak on behalf of themselves.

Patient involvement is a necessity in healthcare, medical research and pharma.

Do not talk ABOUT patients, talk WITH patients.

Consequently and in close coperation with Harteraad, The Patient’s Voice established the Patient Advisory Board for the STOPSTORM Project.

The board will be actively involved in the project and will have a signifacant role in providing input on several issues from the patients perspective.

Denis Janssen
Founder and owner of The Patient’s Voice
KvK / COC nr. 68627750

Mr. Denis Janssen

Publications uitklapper, klik om te openen

  1. Vroonland E, Schalkers I, Bloemkolk D, Dedding C. Patient involvement in cardiovascular research: a qualitative impact evaluation. Research Involvement and Engagement; 2019: 5: 29.
  2. De Wit M, Bloemkolk D, Teunissen T, van Rensen A. Voorwaarden voor succesvolle betrokkenheid van patiënten/cliënten bij medisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek (Conditions for the succesvol involvement of patients/clients in medical scientific research). Tijdschr Gezondheidswetenschappen 2016; 94: 91-100.
  3. Bloemkolk D, Nieuwendaal R. Patient-friendly access to information about medical research. Advisory report, Dutch Clinical Research Foundation, May-Dec 2017.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 945119. Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin.

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