
The University of Turin (UNITO)

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The University of Turin (UNITO) is a public university in the city of Turin and ranked in the top-5 Italian universities. UNITO has approximately 79,000 students, 3,800 employees, and 1,800 post-graduate and post-doctoral research fellows. The long record of participation of UNITO in the EU strategic research agenda results from 115 FP7 funded research projects, among which 33 UNITO-coordinated projects, 4 ERC grants as host institution and 4 Research Infrastructure projects. UNITO longstanding tradition of biomedical and clinical research sees the development of clinical activities in the two University Research Hospitals “Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino” (the third public hospital in Europe by size) and “San Luigi Gonzaga”. The School of Medicine of UNITO represents the core of these activities in Torino. It is constituted by seven departments, which, as of July 2018, were hosting 448 professors/researchers, 159 postdoctoral fellows, 400 PhD students, 1264 MD residents and 384 administrative/technical staff.

The Cardiology Division acts as a regional referral center for advanced cardiac diseases, including arrhythmias. The division has 40 beds, 17 intensive care locations and 4 operating rooms (2 for electrophysiology). The Electrophysiology lab performs around 400 procedures per year and has significant experience in treating advanced cardiac arrhythmias.

The Radiotherapy Division is the Italian referral center for the treatment of various diseases. The department is offering SBRT (SABR) since 2003 and treat approximately 600 patients annually. The department has been involved in many international retrospective and prospective studies on SBRT (in combination with systematic agents) for early stage lung cancer and oligometastatic diseases. Recently, the Radiation Oncology Division has developed cardio-oncological skills through the design of conduction of projects on this topic.

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Dr. Gaetano Maria De Ferrari

Dr. Gaetano Maria De Ferrari is Full Professor of Cardiology at the University of Torino (Italy) and Head of Cardiology at the associated Città della Salute e della Scienza University Hospital. Until 2019 he was head of Cardiology at the University Hospital in Pavia (Italy), where he also was Director of the Residency Program in Cardiology. In addition to his organizational duties, his daily clinical activities, teaching and mentoring, Dr De Ferrari has several research interests. One is related to neuromodulation for cardiac diseases. In this context he pioneered the use of vagal stimulation in patients with heart failure, including performing the first-in-man study and co chairing subsequent clinical studies. A second research interest is in the risk stratification after acute coronary syndromes and in the search of the best strategy to reduce this risk (secondary prevention), including pharmacological strategies with anti-platelet drugs and lipid-lowering agents. A more recent interest is the applications of artificial intelligence in cardiology including its diagnostic potential. Dr De Ferrari has been a Steering Committee member of several international multicentre trials, including PROVE-IT, DIONYSOS, SEPIA-ACS, ALPHA, CARDIOFIT, NECTAR-HF, IMPROVE-IT, RAFFAELLO, TRA 2P-TIMI 50, FOURIER and VESALIUS. He is Editorial Board member of several scientific journals (e.g. Heart Rhythm, Am J Cardiol, Front Cardiovasc Med) and author of 220 journal publications, several of which in leading journals (e.g. 4 in the N Engl J Med and 3 in Lancet); his Scopus H index is 53.


Dr. Umberto Ricardi 

Dr. Umberto Ricardi is currently Full Professor and Chairman of Radiation Oncology at University of Turin, Italy. Dr. Ricardi is currently Dean of School of Medicine at University of Turin. He is also serving as Director of the Department of Oncology at Health and Science Academic Hospital in Turin. Dr. Ricardi’s main areas of clinical and scientific interest include  lymphoma, lung cancer, CNS tumors. He is also an expert in the development of cutting edge technologies in Radiation Oncology. Dr. Ricardi has authored more than 300 full research papers, and participated as invited speaker in a number of national and international conferences. He is active in many educational activities, both at national and international level. Dr. Ricardi is member of numerous national and international scientific societies. Dr. Ricardi is member of the Steering Committee of ILROG (International Lymphoma Radiation Oncology Group). Dr. Ricardi is currently immediate Past President of ESTRO (European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology), serving as ESTRO President April 2018-April 2020.

Dr. Matteo Anselmino

Dr. Matteo Anselmino is Associate Professor in Cardiology. His clinical commitment towards arrhythmias brought him to be progressively involved in both clinical and invasive management of simple and complex arrhythmias. To date, after more than ten years of practice, he performs, as first operator, about 200 electrophysiology procedures per year. As documented by more than one-hundred-seventy publications on indexed Journals (about 50% of which as first or last author) he has proposed and coordinated numerous research projects involving international eminent academic and clinical centres, also involving colleagues with different cultural background (e.g. Bioengineers).

Dr. Claudia Raineri

Dr. Claudia Raineri is an expert in heart failure and in cardiac imaging. At the University of Pavia, from which she recently arrived, she co-directed the program of cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. She has personally performed more than 5,000 cardiac MRIs and she actually directs the heart failure clinic at the Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino University Hospital .

Dr. Mario Levis

Dr. Mario Levis is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology. He has been a radiation oncologist since 2015, primarily involved in the treatment of hematological diseases and oligometastatic diseases. He is the principal investigator of several cardio-oncological projects and has gained a huge expertise in the accurate contouring of cardiac structures.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 945119. Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin.

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